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Welcome to National Taxi - Abu Dhabi

National Taxi L.L.C, Abu Dhabi Branch, a franchise of TransAD (Transport  By Hired Cars), was established in November 2007 and was officially launched on 4 November 2007 with an initial fleet of 50 Taxis, which were gradually increased till it had reached the allocated plates of 1021. It has added another fleet of 573 by December 2011. Now it provides taxi services with the requirements of TransAD and operating in Abu Dhabi, Al Ain and Western Region with a total fleet size of 1594

National Taxi has a paid up capital of AED 5,000,000/- and a total investment of approximately 50 Million Dirhams, its main station where the starting and ending point of taxis is located at Musaffah Industrial Area.

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Our Team
National Taxi has developed and trained a whole team of qualified personnel to serve various needs of our customers and to enable us to meet our quality objectives.
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ISO 9001 : 2000 Certified
On May 31, 2003 National Taxi became the only taxi franchisee company which was awarded a certificate of Excellence ISO 9001:2000 from DNV Veritas.
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